Year 7–8 Visual Arts
Teacher Note: These activities have been inspired by the University of Melbourne Indigenous Knowledge Institute resources, available here.
Project Home
Using the lens of art and viewing and Japanese language skills, students will investigate indigenous art and Gulumbu Yunupiŋu’s artwork, artistic intentions and techniques. This resource introduces the late indigenous artist Gulumbu Yunupiŋu and her unique artistic techniques and works. Her barks and Larrakitj are expressions of the cosmos, and the celestial realm.
4Cs Curriculum Connections for CLIL
This resource addresses the following Content Descriptions from the Victorian Curriculum: The Arts (Visual Arts)
- Identify and connect specific features and purposes of visual artworks from contemporary and past times to explore viewpoints and enrich their art-making, starting with Australian artworks including those of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (VCAVAR039)
- Explore how artists use materials, techniques, technologies and processes to realise their intentions in art works (VCAVAE034)
- Students will be able to:
– Understand historical importance and development of indigenous art.
– Identify technical processes and images, symbols used by indigenous artists.
– Describe the appearance of indigenous art and artefacts and their uses in indigenous culture.
– Create designs using indigenous motifs or their own choice of colour, line and shapes.
- Students will be able to:
– Compare different cultural symbols presented in indigenous artwork/artefacts, recognising regional differences and influences.
– Make a comparison between indigenous art and their own artworks.
Language Of Learning
- くうどうの木(くうどうのき)、木のかわ(きのかわ)
- さくひん、シンボル(しんぼる), かたち、せん、てん、まる、えんちゅう
- オークル (おーくる)、しろ(い)、くろ(い)、ちゃいろ、きいろ、あか(い)
- 十文字 (じゅうもんじ)、ドットえ、ヨシ(よし)のふで、 くし、 えふで、とくちょう、せんじゅうみん、ヤーオーカラ(イーストアーンヘム)、月(つき)、すばる、しまうちゅう、ギャラクシー
Language For Learning
- Classroom instruction language: おなじ、ちがう
Language Through Learning
- (This is the unplanned language students discover through their learning)
Teaching and Learning Activities
Use the powerpoint resource and student workbook to support students to:
- Explore a range of artworks by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists
- Identify in Japanese the colors, shapes, lines/dots, symbols and techniques used
- Learn about the indigenous artist Gulumbu Yunupiŋu and some of her artworks and write an artist profile
- Read the story which was the inspiration for Gulumbu Yunupiŋu’s artwork Garak, (the universe)
- Draw their own illustration of the night sky and compare it with the work of Gulumbu Yunupiŋu
- Analyse another student’s night sky artwork and identify colors, shapes, lines/dots, symbols and techniques used in Japanese.
- Powerpoint resource
- Student workbook
- Yirrkala Drawing: Larakitj
- Gulumbu Garak 1 2004
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
This resource embodies traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions shared by Australian Indigenous communities. The information is shared for the purposes of knowledge preservation and general education, and ask that you engage with opportunities to learn from this knowledge and culture respectfully. In drawing on the material, users should consider the relevance and suitability to their particular circumstances and purposes. For more information, and to learn more about Australian Indigenous Knowledge, please visit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander School Curricula