
Teaching Thinking in Victorian Language Classrooms: Research project starts soon!

How do you support students’ thinking when they learn through another language? Developing students’ thinking is a crucial part of teaching. This aspect is rather complex when we use other languages to teach, such as teaching Maths in Japanese. By observing classroom teaching and interviewing teachers about their lessons, this project wants to know “how […]

New Open Access Research Article: Content and language integrated pedagogy and language learning motivation in a socioeconomically marginalized school context

Within school contexts that are socioeconomically marginalized, complex factors often lead to languages learning being devalued in ways which adversely impact students’ potential, particularly their motivation to learn an additional language (L2). This paper examines the role of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in shaping students’ L2 learning motivation within a school setting that […]

Graduation Congratulations: Celine Fompudie

Congratulations to Celine Fompudie for the recent completion of her Masters by Research, and her thesis Fostering Students’ Dialogic Imagination: The Potential of CLIL to Promote Cosmopolitan Learning: In the context of global connections, there has been a widespread recognition of the potential of language learning to promote intercultural skills. However, current language teaching practices […]

Confirmation Congratulations: Vincent Liang

Congratulations to Jian Liang (Vincent), whose candidature was recently confirmed for his following PhD project: Using cultural-historical activity theory to investigate teacher agency in content and language integrated classrooms Content and Language Integrated Learning, or CLIL, involves learning a new language alongside new content from other non-language areas of the curriculum. However, despite a significant […]

Seminar: CLIL pedagogy, translanguaging, and materials (Prof Shigeru Sasajima, 3pm 22 Feb 2024)

The CLIL Teacher Education Lab welcomes you to the following seminar:  CLIL pedagogy on learning together in translanguaging contexts—developing bilingual CLIL materialsProf Shigeru Sasajima Time 3–4 pm Date 22 February 2024 Location L219, Level 2 Faculty of Education, The University of Melbourne, 100 Leicester Street, Carlton, or register to view online via Zoom  Professor Sasajima […]

Confirmation Congratulations: Kristofer Sapoetra

Congratulations to Kristofer Sapoetra, whose candidature was recently confirmed for his following EdD project: The Role of Mediation in S-STTEP: A VSCT Approach to Self-Directed Growth Mediation as a Vygotskian sociocultural concept in Second Language Teacher Education (SLTE) is often performed based on human-to-human interaction. However, as suggested by van Lier in 1996, development can also […]

Integrating Indigenous Australian Knowledge and Japanese Language Learning

We are pleased to announce Integrating Indigenous Australian Knowledge and Japanese Language Learning is now available. It is an initiative of the CLIL Teacher Education Lab, inspired by the work of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander School Curricula project, and sponsored by the Australia-Japan Foundation.  These resources aim to support teachers of Japanese to work with Content and […]

New Project: Investigating language teacher cognition on education for sustainability

Dr Shu Ohki has been awarded a University of Melbourne Early Career Reseacher Grant to undertake a new project, Investigating Language Teacher Cognition on Education for Sustainability. This project aims to examine language teacher cognition—“what teachers know, believe, think, and do” (Borg, 2003, p. 81)—on education for sustainability, one of the cross-curriculum priorities in the Australian curriculum […]

Confirmation Congratulations: Xiaoqing Chen

Congratulations to Xiaoqing Chen, whose candidature was recently confirmed for her following PhD project: CLIL teachers’ practice of the “third C” and its relationship with their language-/content-dispositions “Cognition” is one of the four key dimensions that comprise of understanding of CLIL (alongside Communication, Content, and Culture), and existing research has extended our knowledge of cognition and […]

Number of posts found: 39