J-CLIL Visit 2024

The Lab was pleased to host a three-day event with J-CLIL visit scholars from Japan on 21–23 August, 2024. The first day comprised a series of discussions and hands-on workshops.
In the morning, Yvette Slaughter gave the Japanese scholars an overview of language development in Australia and Victoria. Her presentation showed Australia’s rich linguistic diversity and the wide range of language learning opportunities available in Victoria’s schools. Russell Cross shared insights with the J-CLIL scholars on CLIL education in Victoria, and Shu Ohki then introduced the visiting scholars to the CLIL teacher education program offered at the University of Melbourne. He also shared his own CLIL teaching design and experiences, with an example of a Year 8 Japanese/Science CLIL unit. The afternoon workshops focused collaboratively building CLIL lessons, with J-CLIL scholars and Lab members discussed the key elements of a successful CLIL lesson and how to suppport high-quality CLIL teaching.
The final two days were guided by Shu Ohki to visit schools in Victoria known for their high-quality CLIL programs, including Huntingdale Primary School and Glen Eira College.
Thanks J-CLIL for coming to the Lab, and this chance to learn together. We look forward to future meetings and continued collaboration!
Dear Russell sensei, Yvette sensei & Shu sensei
Thank you so much for your insightful lectures
and warm hospitality for us! We learned a lot from you and the school visits and enjoyed our stay in Melbourne. Above all, I was pleased to return to your lab with many J-CLIL members a year and four months later. So now, it is your turn. We look forward to welcoming you and other teachers from Australia to Japan next year.
Please take care and stay in touch!
Dear Takizawa sensei – it was a delight to have you back! Thanks so much for your role in bridging our J-CLIL/CLIL Teacher Ed Lab communities, and we look forward to meeting again!
I would like to express my deep gratitude to CLIL Teacher Education Lab for welcoming J-CLIL. The lectures by the three professors were highly inspiring and informative. J-CLIL members were impressed with the rich linguistic diversity and the high quality education in Victoria’s schools. We hope our collaboration will continue, and that Australian teachers will visit Japan to observe CLIL classes next year. Thank you again for your kind cooperation.
Dear Sakamoto sensei – not at all, it was our pleasure! Thanks so much for your visit, and being part of the CLIL Teacher Ed Lab. We look forward to future collaborations.